Jobs Not Jails
Whether you are seeking employees or seeking a job, we can help you! If you are a justice involved and looking for employment, we can help you with your resume, interviewing, job search and links to jobs! If you are an employer, we can help you screen and recruit quality candidates.
Clients in the Jobs Not Jails program meet weekly with a Case Manager, participate in Workforce Ready Workshops, are supported in their job search and have access to in-house 1:1 therapy and group sessions.
**Please note employment services are extremely limited as we continue to grow our capacity. We are happy to help how we can or refer you to an appropriate partner organization.
T.I.M.E. Mentoring
Our Transforming Integration into Meaningful Experiences (T.I.M.E.) mentoring program consists of adults with lived experience providing 1:1 or group mentorship and support to youth who are in the system or at-risk of being in the system.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor or your organization can benefit from our program, please contact us for more info!
T.I.M.E. Volunteering
Our Transforming Integration into Meaningful Experiences (T.I.M.E.) volunteering program consists of monthly community give-back opportunities for people to gain valuable work experience, making positive connections, build your resume and give back to the community! If you could like to get involved, please check out our "Upcoming Events" page for the schedule, or email us for more information.
Peer Support
H.I.R.E. now offers weekly Peer Support Groups held every Tuesday, alternating at 10am or 6pm online. Join our supportive community to help you manage things going on in your life and to make positive connections. Open to anyone who is justice involved. ​
If you need further support, we also offer 1:1 therapy/counseling sessions.
To schedule a free session, or join our group, please contact us for more info!